We don’t normally do big and important things without a plan. So it doesn’t come as a surprise that you have to be strategic when you’re managing Human Resource. There is a process involved here and it needs to be taken rather seriously since HRM’s decisions are really big enough for future direction.
The process has four steps to it:
Assessing Current HR Capacity
Before the planning starts, you of course need to assess everything. All the abilities, skills and knowledge of your entire current staff needs to be accounted for and identified. For each employee, develop a skills inventory and it should go beyond all the skills that are needed for a particular position. While you observe the employee and take note of the skills they possess and also development, you may also determine some other skills and see if the employee is ready to take on more responsibility for the benefit of the company. The employees’ development is important to follow and if you see Avensure Reviews, Complaints and Comparison, you may see why.
Forecasting HR Requirements
For this one there might be questions that need to be considered because forecasting the HR requirements is essentially realistically forecasting supply and demand in human resources. These questions are:
- How many people or staff will we need in order to achieve the organization’s strategic goals?
- Are there jobs that need to be filled? If so, then what?
- What are the skills set that people need?
There is also a need to assess the challenges that will come when meeting the staff needed for this, just based on the outside environment. For that, we need to consider the question:
- How is the external or outside environment going to impact our Human Resource Needs?
Gap Analysis

This is where you analyse where you are right now. What is the gap between now and the goal you and the team plan to be in? That gap will be your next step to look into because it will pose more questions that ought to be thought about, such as:What kind of new jobs are we going to need?
- What new kinds of skills are needed and required?
- Are these required skills present within our current staff?
- Are employees and staff in positions that actually use their strengths currently?
- Are there enough supervisors and managers?
- Are the current practices in our HR management enough and adequate for our future needs?
Once you answer all of those questions, you are ready for the last process.
Developing HR Strategies to Support Organizational Strategies
- Restructuring
- Training and Development
- Recruitment
- Outsourcing
- Collaboration
Those are the five strategies of HR when meeting the future needs of the organization. Restructuring is when you need to reduce some of the staff, regroup the tasks and reorganizing the work units so they become more efficient for everyone and the company itself. Training and Development includes providing your staff with new training for new roles and doing the same to your current employees. Outsourcing is when you use outside and external organizations or individuals to do some of the tasks for the company. Lastly, collaboration is when you and your company may have to collaborate with other organizations to further expand and be more successful with the company’s progress itself. One good example for this is to collaborate with software development companies London businesses trust. You can work with them so you can expand the services you can offer to your clients or even have them create software that can help improve work processes.
When all is said and done, documenting and implementing will have to be done then. Having this documented will help the management in the future for when more developments arise. It also helps to learn from past experiences.